“Let’s Learn About Drugs & Alcohol Together” launch website in Borrisokane Community College

The MWRDAF & HSE Mid West Drug & Alcohol Service are launching an online resource supporting the Post Primary Substance Use Education Project , “Let’s Learn About Drugs & Alcohol Together” Programme. The website is viewed as an integral part of the future development of the LLADAT projects, offering online support to schools, teachers, parents’ and young people across the mid-west.

The website was launched  on Wednesday 16th November at 1 pm in Borrisokane Community College The launch was followed by refreshments and a talk by Pat Mulcahy in the Friendship Café. The website was officially launched by Dr. Sancha Power. Dr. Power is Course Leader on the Diploma in Drug and Alcohol Studies in the School of Education at the University of Limerick. She is also a Post-Primary Substance Use Education Worker with the Mid-West Regional Drug and Alcohol Forum (formerly the Regional Drugs Task Force).

Dr. Power is responsible for the design, development and implementation of the “Lets Learn about Drugs and Alcohol Together” (LLADAT) post primary projects.