“A child is entitled to attend the school which is most suited to his/her overall needs.”
The Education For Persons with Disabilities Act 2004.
In making provision for student with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in Borrisokane Community College, we seek to enable each student to join in the activities of the school along with other students. We want all students with ASD to feel that they are a valued part of the School Community. We seek to ensure that all students gain access to a broad and balanced curriculum and have an equal opportunity to receive an education that is appropriate to their needs.The students enrolled in the special class attend a small class setting that can cater for up to 6 students. They are taught by a resource teacher and supported by special needs assistants (SNA). A holistic approach is taken when planning for the education of the students with ASD. Following the information gathering and consultation process, an educational plan is developed that caters for the student’s social, sensory and educational needs.
We seek to ensure that all students gain access to a broad and balanced curriculum and have an equal opportunity to receive an education that is appropriate to their needs. Each student is offered access to curricular subjects through teaching by the resource teacher or subject teacher in a special class setting or by attending subjects in a mainstream class setting.
The school has a 2 classroom Special Autism Centre, with the following Ancillary facilities:
- Sensory Room
- Meeting Room
- Enclosed Garden
- Sensory Garden
- Withdrawal Room
- Living skills room
- Practical skills room.
All Special Needs students have access to the Library, sports facilities and Computer Room in the main school building.