School News

School News October 23rd 2022

Borrisokane Community College School Notes Open Night Borrisokane Community College open Night will take place on Tues 15th Nov at 7pm. The School  Prospectus will be delivered to the primary schools this week. You can view the prospectus or take a virtual tour of the school online on If you would like more information, […]

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School News October 16th 2022

Borrisokane Community College School Notes Crocus Project We are delighted to be involved in The Crocus Project for 2022/23.  This project aims to educate and inform about the Holocaust and its consequences. Our TYs this week planted crocus bulbs in memory of all the children who perished in the Holocaust. The yellow crocuses recall the […]

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School News October 9th 2022

Borrisokane Community College School Notes Parents Association AGM Our AGM was held on Mon 3rd and thanks to parents for attending. We had the pleasure of having Stella O Malley speak to the group. Stella spoke about Parenting in the 21st Century. She encourages parents to help adolescents to develop coping skills, to learn and […]

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School News October 2nd 2022

Borrisokane Community College School Notes 1st Year Hurling Our 1st years took part in a Blitz in Thurles on Thursday. It was great to get the opportunity to play some competitive games. Well done to all who were involved. U19 Boys Basketball Hard luck to our U19 boys who lost out to Mercy Kilbeggan during […]

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School News September 25th 2022

Borrisokane Community College School News Transition Year Events this week: Our Transition Year students were involved in a Barrista Coffee Making Workshop run by Dublin Barrista School this week.   Students got the opportunity to learn all about coffee and how to make the perfect cup of coffee.  Our students thoroughly enjoyed this experience and thanks […]

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School News September 18th 2022

Borrisokane Community College School Notes World Skills LCA & TY Students from Leaving Certificate Applied, Fifth year and Transition Year travelled To Dublin on Thursday to the World Skills Exhibition in the RDS.  Students got to view the range of Apprenticeships that are available to them. It facilitated an atmosphere of experimentation and discovery through […]

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Parents Meetings September 2022

Please find below Presentations that took place for Parents in September 2022. September 13th – Meeting for Parents of Leaving Certificate Applied Students – Click Here. September 13th – Meeting for Parents of Fifth Year Students – Click Here. September 14th – Meeting for Parents of Third Year Students – Click Here. September 14th – […]

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School News September 4th 2022

Borrisokane Community College School Notes  Welcome back to staff and students to our new school year. To keep up to date on events taking place in the school please take a look at our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts.  School App  We are encouraging all parents/guardians to download the Borrisokane Community College App.  It will […]

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