Student Supports

Our aim in Borrisokane Community College is to help our students to develop into happy adults who have the skills and values to cope with the challenges of life, while also being aware of their own capacity to support others in need. We also know that to reach her potential and to enhance their personal development, a student must feel supported through the specific challenges of adolescence. Our caring and dedicated staff work tirelessly to provide this support, and we have structures in place to ensure that no student is left without her needs being addressed.

Class Mentor

Each class is assigned a mentor who teaches the group but also takes a special interest in the class, promoting class spirit, keeping an ‘eye out’ for the needs of all students in the class and working towards resolving any issues that might arise. Each mentor has an extra meeting with her/his group throughout the school year.

Year Head

Each year group is assigned a Year Head who leads the group by promoting good attendance and behaviour, academic success, pastoral care and overall school spirit. The Year Head liaises with the class mentors and works with parents where necessary to resolve issues that might arise. The Year Head also organises regular year group assemblies. The Year Head is the key point of contact for parents when there are any general concerns about their child’s progress.

Deputy Principal

The Deputy Principal acts as the DDLP and the key link between the Year Head, Class Mentor. The Care Team, and the Special Educational Needs Team.


The principal takes overall responsibility for pastoral care in the school while acting as the Designated Liaison Person in relation to Child Protection issues.

Guidance Programme

The Guidance Counsellors and SPHE Teachers deliver a programme of educational and career guidance as well as personal counselling. They also organise information nights for parents in relation to key issues such as subject choice and college applications while they are key leaders in the promotion of mental health

Attendance Officer

The attendance officer works on attendance and attainment, the officer works towards promoting and strengthening the links between home and school. They also liaises with primary schools and other agencies to work towards the pastoral support of students and practical advice for parents. Our home-school service aims to promote inclusion and engagement in education, particularly where there may be barriers in that regard.

Care Team

Borrisokane Community College has a Care Team that comprises the key pastoral personnel and its aim is to put support plans in place for students who have particular needs. The team meets weekly, and the meetings are attended by the school principal, deputy principals, guidance counsellor, SEN teachers, SPHE/Guidance teachers and the learning support coordinator.

Special Education/Learning Support

Our team of learning support teachers are very often well-placed to identify students with particular learning needs who might need extra pastoral support. For that reason, the Learning Support department is represented at the Care Team meeting.