The Education Act (1998) emphasises that schools should promote the social and personal development of students and provide health education for them.

Our policy aims to ensure that it reflects the Mission Statement and the ethos of our school. SPHE is a programme for students in the Junior Cycle and Senior Cycle which builds on their experiences at Primary level. SPHE, as part of the curriculum, supports the personal, social and health development and well-being of young people and helps them create and maintain supportive relationships. The school’s vision of education is in line with this objective. The Education Act (1998) defines the school’s responsibility in those areas, a responsibility which has always been recognised by Borrisokane Community Collee as is evidenced in the current provisions and structures within the school. However, we acknowledge that responsibility for the holistic development of the individual student is shared with the home, and that the work of the school is influenced by the cultural and social mores of the society and the times in which we live


JC SPHE Infor for Parents

Please click on the links below to access information about Junior Cycle SPHE.

Additional Student Supports

Additional Parental/Guardian Supports


RSE Information-Letter

Dear Parents/Guardians;

As part of our Junior Cycle SPHE programme in Borrisokane Community College and in line with Department of Education requirements we will be delivering an RSE (Relationships and Sexual Education) programme to each junior cycle class 1st to 3rd year.  This module comprises of 6 lessons delivered between the February midterm break and Easter break.

The six RSE lessons are broken down as follows;

  • Human Growth and Development x 2
  • Human Sexuality x 2
  • Human Relationships x 2

Content 1st year:

  • Me as unique and different
  • Self-esteem and positive Self Talk
  • Friendship
  • Changes at adolescent
  • Reproductive system
  • Images of male and female reproductive organs
  • Respecting myself and others

Content 2nd year:

  • Conception to birth
  • Recognising and expressing feelings and emotions
  • Peer pressure and other influences
  • Managing relationships
  • Making responsible decisions
  • Health and personal safety

Content 3rd year:

  • Body image
  • Where am I now?
  • Relationships – what is important?
  • The 3 R’s (Respect, Rights and Responsibilities)
  • Conflict

As you are the primary educator of your child in the area of relationships and sexuality, it is very important that our RSE programme is planned in consultation with you.  Please feel free to contact the school if you wish to discuss the programme further/withdraw your child from SPHE classes while this programme is being run.

Many Thanks